Accommodation: ability of the eye to focus on near and distant objection by changing the convexity of the lens
Achromatopsia: condition of color blindness of the eyes
Amblyopia: decreased vision
Astigmatism: visual condition in which light rays are unevenly focused on the retina due to abnormal curvature of the cornea
Blepharectomy: excision of lesion of eyelid
Blepharedema: swelling of eyelid
Blepharitis: inflammation of eyelid
Blepharoplegia: paralysis of muscles of eyelid
Blepharoptosis: drooping of eyelid
Blepharospasm: twitching or involuntary contraction of eyelid
Cataract: clouding of lens of eye which results in loss of transparency
Chemosis: accumulation of the lens of the eye which causes swelling around the cornea
Choroid: the vascular layer of eyeball between sclera and retina
Choroiditis: inflammation of choroid
Choroidopathy: disease of choroid
Conjunctiva: thin mucous membrane covering the front of the eyeball
Conjunctival: related to the conjunctiva
Conjunctivitis: inflammation of conjunctiva
Cornea: outer transparent portion of the eye, which is continuous with the sclera and through which the light passes
Dacryadenalgia: pain in tear glands
Dacryadenitis: inflammation of tear glands
Dacryorrhea: flow of tears
Diplopia: double vision
Epiphora: overflow of tears
Erythropia: red eye
Esotropia: condition in which both eyes turn inwards
Exophthalmos : protrusion of eyeballs
Exotropia: condition in which both eyes turn outwards
Fundus: a part of the interior of eyeball which is exposed to view through ophthalmoscope
Funduscope: instrument to view fundus
Funduscopic: related to funduscopy
Funduscopy: examination of the fundus of eye
Glaucoma: pathologic condition of eye in which intraocular pressure increases
Hordeolum: a small purulent inflammatory infection of sebaceous gland of eyelid; also called sty
Hyperopia: farsightedness
Hypertropia: squint in which the eyes look upward.
Hypotropia: squint in which eyes look down words.
Intraocular: inside the eye
Iridoplasty: surgical repair of the iris
Iridoplegia: paralysis of the iris
Iridotomy: incision of the iris
Iris: pigmented portion of eye which regulates the amount of light coming through the pupil
Keratitis: inflammation of the cornea
Keratoplasty: surgical repair of the cornea
Keratotome: instrument to incise the cornea
Keratotomy: incision of the cornea
1aser iridotomy: cutting some fibers of the iris with laser
Macula: small spot on the retina which is the area of sharpest vision
Macule: a spot discoloration or thickening of the skin
Miosis: constriction of the pupil
Miotic: agents that constrict the pupil
Myopia: nearsightedness
Mydriatic: agent that dilates the pupil
Nystagmus: involuntary oscillation of the eyeballs
Ophthalmalgia: pain in the eyes
Ophthalmectomy: excision of an eyeball
Ophthalmodynia: pain in the eye
Ophthalmologist: specialist in diseases of the eye
Ophthalmomalacia: softening of the eye
Ophthalmoplegia: paralysis of the ocular muscles
Ophthalmoscope: instrument to view eyes
Ophthalmus: eye
Optic: pertaining to the eye
Optic chiasm: point of crossing of optic nerves
Optometrist: person who tests visual acuity and prescribes corrective lenses
Phacoemulsification: process to disintegrate cataract
Photophobia: marked intolerance to light
Presbyopia: farsightedness associated with aging
Pterygium: outward growth of tissue of the eye
Pupil: the round opening in center of the iris through which light reaches the lens
Pupillary: relating to the pupil
Rectus: muscles of the eye
Retina: innermost layer of the eye, which has nerve endings of the optic nerve
Retinitis: inflammation of the retina
Retinoblastoma: malignant sarcoma or neoplasm of the retina
Retinopathy: any disease of the retina
Retinoscopy: visual examination of the retina
Retrobulbar: behind the eyeball
Sclera: white of the eye, outermost fibrous laver
Scleritis: inflammation of sclera
Scleromalacia: softening of sclera
Sclerostomy: surgical formation of opening in sclera
Sclerotomy: incision of sclera
Seton procedure: placing a tube in the anterior chamber to drain the excess fluid and decrease intraocular pressure.
Slit lamp: instrument consisting of a microscope and a bright thin beam of light to examine an eye
Strabismus: improper alignment of the eyes
Sty: infection of the sebaceous gland of the eyelid
Tonometry: test to measure intraocular pressure
Trabeculectomy: excision of the trabecular meshwork to treat glaucoma
Uveitis: inflammation of the uvea
Visual acuity: clearness of vision
Vitrectomy: excision of vitreous humor
Vitreous: relating to vitreous humor
Vitreous humor: thick, gelatinous substance within the eyeball
Xanthopsia: a condition of the eye in which everything appears yellowish
Common Abbreviations
ace: accommodation
ARMD: age-related macular degeneration
Astigm: astigmatism
D: diopter
DR: diabetic retinopathy
Em: emmetropia
EOM: extraocular movement
ET: esotropia
IOL: intraocular lens
IOD: intraocular pressure
L&A: light and accommodation
myop: myopia
OD: oculus dexter (right eye)
OS: oculus sinister (left eye)
OU: oculus unitas (both eyes)
PAN: periodic alternating nystagmus
PAM: potential acuity meter
PERRLA: pupils equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation
REM: rapid eye movement
RD: retinal detachment
st: strabismus
ung: ointment
VA: visual acuity
VF: visual field
XT: exotropia