Acusis: normal hearing
Adenectomy: excision of adenoids
Adenitis: inflammation of the lymph node or gland
Adenocarcinoma: a malignant neoplasm. Of epithelial cells in a glandular pattern
Adenoid: gland-like appearance
Adenopathy: disease of the lymph nodes
Ala nasi: outer flaring wall of each nostril; wing of the nose
Anacusis: total loss or absence of ability of hearing
Annulus: a ring; circular structure
Arytenoid: .cartilage and muscles of larynx
Audiology: study of hearing disorders through identification and measurement of hearing loss
Audiometry: test for measuring hearing levels with the help of an audiometer
Auditory: related to the sense of hearing
Aural: related to the ear
Auricle: external ear
Cerumen: a waxy secretion of external auditory canal; earwax
Cholesteatoma: a tumor-like mass of squamous epithelium and cholesterol in the middle ear
Cochlea: a spiral, cone-shaped cavity in the internal ear
Conchae: a shell-shaped structure in the anatomy for example, auricle of the ear
Conduction: transmission from one point to another of energy forms of energy without evident movement in the conducting body
Conductive deafness: impairment of hearing caused due to obstruction or interference with sound waves transmission through the external ear, the middle ear. And auditory ossic1es
Coryza: acute rhinitis; inflammation of the mucous lining of nose marked by sneezing, lacrimation, and secretion of a watery mucus discharge
Cricoid: ring-shaped: lowermost laryngeal cartilage
Dysacusia: difficulty in processing sound; difficulty in hearing
Dysosmia: altered sense of smell: difficulty in processing smell
Dysphagia: difficulty swallowing
Epiglottic: related to the epiglottis
Epiglottis: an elastic cartilage at the roof of tongue, which covers the opening of windpipe during swallowing to prevent it getting choked .
Epiglottitis : inf1ammation of the epiglottis, can cause fatal respiratory obstruction, especially in small children
Epistaxis: bleeding from the nose
Erythema: redness of skin
Eustachian tube: the tube that leads from the middle ear to the nasopharynx and equalizes the pressure on both sides of the tympanic membrane
Exudate: any fluid that has seeped out of a tissue, due to any inflammation or injury
Fenestra: an opening in anatomy; window
Fenestra ovalis: an oval opening in the wall of the tympanic cavity and the vestibule, closed by base of stapes
Foramen: an opening or aperture, especially in a l)(me or membrane
Glossoepiglottic: relating to tongue and epiglottis
Glossopharyngeal: related to tongue pharynx
Helical: relating to helix
Helix: the folded margin of the external ear
Hyperacusis/hyperacusia: hearing acuteness due to irritability of the sensory and neural mechanism of the ear
Incus: the middle of the three ossicles in middle ear; anvil
Jugular: relating to neck or throat
Keratoid: horny
Labyrinth: an anatomical structure composed of many intercommunicating canals and cavities. For example, the inner ear
Labyrinthitis: inflammation of the labyrinth
Laryngeal: relating to the larynx
Laryngectomy: excision of the larynx
Laryngitis: inflammation of mucous membrane of the larynx
Laryngograph: an instrument used for tracing activity of larynx, vocal cord
Laryngoparalysis: paralysis of the larynx
Laryngopharyngeal: relating to both the larynx and the pharynx
Laryngopharyngectomy: excision of both the larynx and the pharynx
Laryngoplasty: surgical repair of the larynx
Laryngoscope: an endoscope used to examine the interior of the larynx
Laryngostomy: forming an opening from the neck into the larynx
Laryngotomy: a surgical incision of the larynx
Laryngotracheal: relating to both the larynx and the trachea
Larynx: an organ of voice production located between the pharynx and the trachea
Malleus: largest of the three ossicles of the ear
Meatus: a passage, especially an external opening
Meniere disease: disease of inner ear characterized by vertigo, nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, and progressive deafness
Myringectomy: excision of the tympanic membrane
Myringitis: inflammation of the tympanic membrane
Myringoplasty: surgical repair of the tympanic membrane
Myringotomy: surgical incision into the tympanic membrane
Naris: nostril
Nasofrontal: relating to the nose and the forehead
Nasogastric: involving the nasal passages and the stomach
Nasogastric tube: a tube passed into the stomach through the nose
Nasolabial: related to the nose and upper lip
Naso-oral : related to the nose and mouth
Nasopharyngeal: related to the nose and the pharynx
Nasopharynx: part of pharynx that line above the soft palate
Nasotracheal intubation: intubation of the trachea through the nose
Naode: a small knot of lump of tissue
Obtund: dull or blunt
Obturation: obstruction
Odynacusis : acute pain on hearing any sound
Odynophagia: pain on swallowing
Odynophonia: pain while speaking
Olfactory: related to sense of smell
Ossicle: a small bone
Otalgia: earache
Otitis: inflammation of the ear
Otodynia: earache
Otolaryngology: study of the ear and larynx
Otopathy: any disease of the ear
Otorrhea : discharge from the ear
Otoscope: an instrument used for inspecting the eardrum
Palate: roof of the mouth
Periauricular : around the ear
Pharyngeal: related to the pharynx
Pharyngitis: inflammation of the pharynx
Pharyngoglossal: relating to the pharynx and the tongue
Pharyngoplegia: paralysis of muscles of the pharynx
Pharynx: throat
Pinna: auricle, external ear
Presbycusis: progressive loss of ability of hearing due to again
Purulent: containing pus
Rhinitis: inflammation of nasal mucous membranes
Rhinopathy : disease of the nose
Rhinoplasty : surgical repair of the nose
Rhinorrhea: discharge from the nose or nasal passages
Salpingitis: inflammation of eustachian tube or fallopian tubes
Salpinx: auditory or eustachian tube; fallopian tubes
Septectomy: excision of septum, pan or whole
Septum: a wall partition between two cavities or two masses of soft tissue
Serosanguineous: discharge containing serum and blood
Shotty: rubbery type of feel to touch
Sinus: a passageway or hollow space in bone or other tissue
Sinusitis: inflammation of the sinus
Sinusoid: resembling sinus
Snuff: to inspire forcibly through the nose
Stapedectomy: excision of stapes
Stapes: smallest auditory ossicle; stirrup
Strep: short form for streptococcus
Streptococcal: caused by streptococcus
Tinnitus: noises in the ear, such as ringing and whistling
Trachea: windpipe
Tracheitis: inflammation of membrane lining the trachea
Tracheobronchial: related to the trachea and the bronchi
Tracheostomy: forming an opening into the trachea
Tragus: a small projection of cartilage in front of external auditory meatus
Tympanectomy: excision of the tympanic membrane
Tympanic: related to the tympanic membrane
Tympanoeustachian: related to tympanic membrane and eustachian tube
Uvula: a conical fleshy projection from the middle of the soft palate in the mouth
Uvulitis: inflammation of the uvula 132, 1l\1.1iopalatopharyngoplasty: a surgical treatment in which unnecessary uvula and palatal tissue and the oropharyngeal tissue is resected for patients with sleep apnea
Vertigo: dizziness; a sensation of spinning motion
Vestibule: a small cavity or space at the entrance of the canal
Vestibulocochlear: related to vestibule and cochlea of the ear
Vibrissae: hair growing at the nares; nose hair
Xerostomia: dryness of the mouth